
Rebrand Detroit Project

The Rebrand Detroit project is the brainchild of Hajj Flemings, Founder of Brand Camp University, and is funded by the Knight Foundation as one of the inaugural winners of the 2015 Knight Cities Challenge.

The project objective is to bring the innovation economy to Detroit neighborhoods. The project strategy is designed to help revitalize these communities with a tech and brand enabled strategy that is a catalyst for neighborhoods to become innovation districts.

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Brand Camp University

Brand Camp University is an entrepreneurial and tech education platform. We are a community of diverse entrepreneurs and creators that are innovating the future. We believe that brands, entrepreneurs and technology comprise the engine that drives economic growth in our economy. We are committed to creating entrepreneurial density and fostering a diverse community of disruptive thinkers that provide access to passionate entrepreneurs.

The Brand Camp University Detroit Campus is located at 4219 Woodward Avenue in Midtown Detroit in the Detroit Center for Design and Technology.

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